Article published on 20 April 2024

Launched in the stores in 2023, the ACTI’FUN app helps beginners and advanced users of all ages enjoy physical activity with fun sports.

Activated by scanning a QR code on our equipment, the first version of our app allowed users to:

  • Watch videos of exercises to be performed, including adaptations and with increasing levels of difficulty
  • View the muscles involved in the exercise
  • Save their choices and results in a history file
  • Track their progress and repeat a session

More features for more FUN!

Our updated app includes a number of new features that emphasise its ‘fun sports’ aspect.

Rankings to increase the challenge
Users can save all their achievements in the app and view their progress in the rankings. This allows them to compare their activity with other sports enthusiasts in the same area, as well as with all users locally or worldwide.

Programmes developed and tailored to users’ needs
The app allows users to choose their sports and leisure preferences from a list of 9 options. According to these choices, they will be offered a personalised programme.

A more fun app
– The app offers the option of creating user groups. This is a perfect opportunity to organise challenges with all the family or a few friends!
– Users are now rewarded for their efforts with badges that are unlocked at different levels of performance.


Taking inclusion to new heights with our Kanopé inclusive towers

Article published on 8 March 2024

To allow all children access to play equipment and the same games! The inclusive play area is based on 2 basic concepts: the pleasure of playing and a shared play experience. It gives all children the means to explore and develop, at their own pace and according to their abilities. It is a place where...

SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATION – Discover the repairability index of our products

Article published on 4 March 2024

Extend the life of your play and sports areas Pour garantir la longévité de ses équipements, Proludic est le premier à leur ajouter un indice de réparabilité pour les aires de jeux et de sport. The repairability of the products we offer is a guarantee of the sustainability of our play areas. The repairability index...