Article published on 4 March 2024

Extend the life of your play and sports areas

Pour garantir la longévité de ses équipements, Proludic est le premier à leur ajouter un indice de réparabilité pour les aires de jeux et de sport.

The repairability of the products we offer is a guarantee of the sustainability of our play areas. The repairability index informs the customer about the repairability of the purchased product. By displaying a score out of 10, this index is based on the official grid created by the French government and adapted to the context of Proludic. The more repairable a product is, the higher the rating will be.                                                                

Each of the ranges produced by Proludic thus has an index which makes it possible to know its level of repairability based on 5 criteria:

  • Availability of documentation,
  • Ease of disassembly,
  • Availability of spare parts,
  • Price of parts,
  • Proludic diagnostic & after-sales capabilities.

The repairability index for Proludic equipment is 9.12/10

*Repairability indices can be found on our product data sheets.

Find out more about our environmental policy

To guarantee the longevity of the equipment designed and produced by Proludic


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